
The 2023 summary meeting was held at the National Defence Academy

The 2023 summary meeting was held at the National Defence Academy. The Rector of the Academy, Brigadier General Mamia Balakhadze spoke about the activities and events implemented in 2023. In his speech, the Rector also focused on the priorities of 2024 and future plans.

At the meeting, the Rector of the Academy, Brigadier General Mamia Balakhadze, congratulated Major Zviad Abutidze, the head of the bachelor's educational program in Mechanical Engineering, on the awarding of the military rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

The head of the Logistics Service of the Academy, Vice-Colonel Davit Datunashvili, was awarded an honorary plaque by the Rector of the Academy for his 31 years of honorable service in the Defence Forces of Georgia and the Academy.

At the end of the meeting, Brigadier General Mamia Balakhadze presented certificates of honor to the employees and expressed gratitude for their work.