
NDA Junkers Swore an Oath

Today 119 Junkers of Davit Aghmashenebeli National Defence Academy have joined the Georgian Armed Forces. The solemn ceremony of oath taking by the Bachelor School`s first year Junkers was held at the NDA`s drill ground.

Prior to the ceremony, the Junkers and invited guests held a minute of silence in memory of the soldiers fallen in battles for Georgia`s unity and integrity and during performing the service duties. The brass band of National Guard performed the Georgian State Anthem.

Minister of Defence of Georgia Mindia Janelidze, Chief of the General Staff of the Georgian Armed Forces Major-General Vakhtang Kapanadze, NDA Rector COL Irakli Gegechkori and other MoD senior officials attended the event.

In his address, Minister wished success to the Junkers and pledged them support: “this day is a very significant one for the armed forces. Our Junkers have sworn an oath and joined the army. Education of young officers is one the priority directions for the MoD. We will devote a great attention to the educational process ongoing in the institution," - said Minister.

Chief of the General Staff also welcomed the Junkers and wished them success in their professional development. 

Towards the end of the event, the NDA Chaplain, Farther Tadeoz blessed the young Junkers. Minister had a talk with the Junkers` family members and the relatives attending an oath taking ceremony.