
Representatives of the Armenian Military University at the Academy

Within the framework of the bilateral cooperation plan between the Ministry of Defence of Georgia and the Republic of Armenia, on March 27-30 of the current year, the representatives of the Armenian Military University visited the National Defence Academy: Rector, Colonel Arthur Yeroyan, Head of Education and Methodology Program, Colonel Levon Davidian and Deputy Head of the Department of Defence Policy and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Defence of Armenia Tigran Arutyunyan. The guests were hosted by the leadership of the Academy.

During the visit, the guests were delivered a presentation about the Academy, got acquainted with the structure and introduced their own educational institution. At the meeting, the parties discussed the priorities of military education and issues of future cooperation.

A working meeting was also held with the Heads of Master's Degree Programs of the Academy, where they received information about the existing Master's Degree Programs.

The members of the delegation took part in various cultural events, visited the infrastructure of the Academy, learning laboratories and the museum space. At the end of the visit, the guests made commemorative notes in the Guest Record Book of the Academy and exchanged gifts.