
A Room Named after Georgian Military Commanders was Opened at the Academy

The room named after Georgian military commanders was opened at the National Defence Academy.

The Rector of the Academy, Brigadier General Mamia Balakhadze opened the room together with Colonel Aluda Seturidze. Leaders of the Academy and the Junkers attended the event.

There are biographies of prominent Georgian military commanders and plans of their battles in the room, as well as well-known speeches of Georgian generals to the warriors before the start of the battle; among them, the speech of Aleksandre Andronikashvili, which he addressed to the Junkers in February 1921, before the Kojori-Tabakhmela battle. On a separate stand, Davit Agmashenebeli's address to the Georgian army before the Battle of Didgori is presented.

In this room, lectures will be held for the first-year Junkers, which will allow them to learn about the military history of the Georgian nation.