
Annual Distance Learning Conference in Halmstad Sweden

The representatives of the Distance Learning Center of the National Defence  Academy Lt. Col. Roman Javrishvili and Nino Kandelaki, along with Dachi Mamulashvili, a representative of the G-5 Service, attended the 12th Annual Distance Learning Conference in Halmstad, Sweden, at the invitation of the Norwegian Defence University College (NORDEFCO ADL 2024).

There were 120 representatives from 14 countries at the conference. The main speakers at the conference were from the Nordic countries, the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Italy, and Romania.

The conference's main themes included distance learning teaching tools, teaching methodology, technology, animation and graphics creation, video lecture development, practical application of learning technologies, and the creation of blended distance learning courses.

 In addition to the keynote speakers, parallel breakout sessions allowed the audience to engage in dialogues and demonstrate practical skills. There was also a virtual reality exhibition space showcasing the practical use of various technologies. These activities among educational institutions help develop social and communication skills, provide participants with the opportunity to gain knowledge about modern technological challenges and gain experience in related fields.