
An international week was held at the Nicolae Balcescu Land Forces Academy in Romania

An international week was held at the Nicolae Bălcescu Land Forces Academy in Romania, which was attended by representatives of the National Defence Academy. Seven different higher military educational institutions from various countries participated in the event.

The week's activities included an introductory visit to the Romanian Military Academy, presentations by the military educational institutions about their respective schools, and an exchange of information on international activities aimed at enhancing future cooperation. Additionally, the week featured a scientific conference and various cultural and cognitive events.

The scientific conference utilized a panel system comprising five different panels: Defense and Security, Military Education, Economics and Social Sciences, Leadership and Management, and Technical Sciences and Technologies.

During International Week, representatives of the Academy met with the leadership of the Romanian Military Academy to explore opportunities for enhanced collaboration in the future and to discuss maximum involvement in international activities planned by the academies. The participation of National Defense Academy representatives in such international activities strengthens relationships with higher military schools of foreign countries and fosters close partnerships in military education and scientific areas.