
The Conclusion of Internship of the Lithuanian Military Academy Listener

In the framework of the MoU and the Action plan signed between National Defence Academy of Georgia and the Military Academy of Lithuania, the 4th year Cadet of the Military Academy of Lithuania, Andrei Zubrichki completed the 6 week scientific-research internship at the NDA.

During the internship the Lithuanian Cadet was working on his research paper “Georgia’s Security Policy Changes after Russia-Georgia War in 2008: The Military Structure Modernization”. Instructor of the Command and Staff School, LTC Giorgi Kalichava was assigned as the academic supervisor in order to provide advice and support to the Cadet.

By the support of the Academy, the Lithuanian Cadet met with the representatives of the Security Council, MoD, GAF, NATO Liaison Office and Information Center on NATO and EU. He also visited the EUMM, STC “DELTA”, LEPL – Cyber Security Bureau and other state and non-governmental institutions from the security sector.

Implementing the similar scientific-research internships will improve the existing cooperation with the NDA of Georgia and the Lithuanian Military Academy.