
The Discharge of Lieutenant-Colonel Tamaz Saatashvili from the Georgian Armed Forces

By the orders of the Minister of Defence the Head of the Simulation Training Section of Junior Officer School, LTC Tamaz Saatashvili was discharged from the Georgian Armed Forces. 

Today was held the discharge ceremony of the LTC Saatashvili from the Georgian Armed Forces. Acting Rector of NDA, LTC Vasil Kopeikin thanked him for his contribution to the GAF and handed over the medal “Devoted for Homeland”. 

LTC Saatashvili was appointed at the NDA in 2014 as a Duty Officer of NDA G-3 Section. In 2015 he was promoted as the Head of the Simulation Training Section of the Junior Officer School.

During 35 years of military service LTC Saatashvili has participated in combat operations in Samachablo Region during 1991-1992 and 2004, in 2008 August War, peacekeeping operations – 2007-2008 in Iraq, Al-Kūt and in 2010-2011 as a part of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).

LTC Saatashvili has received the medal of “Devoted for Homeland”, medal for participating in peacekeeping operations, NATO medal and 1st Degree Service Medal.