
Training for the Gender Advisers of the Ministry of Defence


Today was the conclusion of the three day Gender Advisers training on “Integrating Gender Topics in the Defence Sector and UNSCRs on Women, Peace and Security”.

In the framework of the training the trainers discussed the main concepts of Gender Equality, Gender Roles and Sexual Harassment. The International Gender Policy and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women were also discussed.

The training found great interest among Gender Advisers, during the discussions the participants discussed main interesting aspects of being a Gender Adviser, along with the challenges of the job and the best practices.

The above mentioned training will help the Advisers to deepen their knowledge and understand their responsibilities that come with the position, in order to provide support in terms of Gender Equality to their leadership and to use the acquired information in everyday activities.

The training was conducted by the support of the UN Women in cooperation with the MoD, NDA and WIC Georgia trainers.