Junker Training Battalion

Basic Combat Training (BCT) Course

Title of the Program:

The Basic Combat Training Course Program at LEPL David Aghmashenebeli National Defence Academy (NDA) of Georgia

Structure of the Basic Combat Training (BCT) Course Program:

After successful completion of the Basic Combat Training (BCT) course, the graduate (Junker) will be awarded a certificate for completing the course (BCT).

Admission Prerequisites for Basic Combat Training Course

The results of the Unified National Exams in the Georgian language, general skills, a foreign language and mathematics / history and the Internal Admission Regulations of National Defence Academy (Medical Examination, Physical Test, Psychological Selection / Interview). 

For the Junkers enrolled through mobility (from other higher education institution):

A Qualifying Tournament (Medical Examination, Physical Test, Psychological Selection / Interview) in accordance with the Internal Admission Regulations of the Academy.

Medical Examination:

Applicants who are registered as “eligible” for admission to the National Defence Academy in the report issued by the Military Medical Commission of the Military Hospital are admitted to be enrolled at the Academy. The outcomes are confidentially sent to the Department of the Human Resource Management of the National Defence Academy through means of electronic transmission. 

Physical Test:

Physical fitness test is a complex test consisting of three (3) exercises:

  1. Push-ups;
  2. Sit-ups;
  3. The 3200 m run.

In each type of the test, the applicant must earn at least 40 points, and at least 120 points for all three types of exercises.

The applicant is considered to have passed physical fitness test if he / she earns at least 40 points.

Psychological Selection / Interview:

Psychological Selection includes several steps:  

  1. Test – The representatives of Social Issues and Psychological Support Department of the Ministry of Defence of Georgia carry out the test that evaluates the candidate according to 5 categories: 
  • Achievement motivation;
  • Discipline;
  • Presentability;
  • Psychological stability;
  • Leadership;
  • Intellect.
  1. Clinical interview – during the interview the candidate is diagnosed regarding mental disorders.
  2. Psychological interview – The interview is conducted by the sub-committee of the Academy Selection Committee. The Committee consists of the representatives of various structural units such as: Baccalaureate and Junkers Training Battalion, Psychological Services Division, etc.  

The Interview Committee shall make a decision on each candidate in line with the decision of the representatives of Social Issues and Psychological Support Department of the Ministry of Defence of Georgia.

Objective of the Program:

The Basic Combat Training course aims to transform the Georgian citizen enrolled at the National Defence Academy into a service member and develop his / her physical endurance, emotional sustainability, basic military skills and military discipline for a stressful situation and prepare him / her for the challenges the Junker will face at the National Defense Academy in the learning process.

During the Basic Combat Training (BCT) course, the Junker performance is assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Adaptation;
  • Discipline;
  • Leadership;
  • Conscientiousness;
  • Creative skills;
  • Logical thinking;
  • Decision making skills;
  • Responsibility;
  • Organizing skills;
  • Initiative;
  • Courage;
  • Teamwork;
  • Willpower;
  • Diligence;
  • Help others;
  • Encourage others;
  • Quick and right response to the orders.

 The instructors are responsible to identify the following:

  • Whether the Junker is relevant to the NDA unit;
  • Identification of the Junker in a short period of time;
  • Evaluate the Junker’s psychological stability;
  • Examine the Junker’s willpower;
  • Junker’s communication skills with the group members;
  • Junker’s individuality;
  • Junker’s leadership;
  • Junker with lacking willpower;
  • Junker’s good and bad habits at a maximum extent;
  • Whether the Junker has a sense of responsibility;
  • How well the Junkers performs the tasks.

 Learning Outcomes:


After completing the program the Junker will know:

  • Oath of service;
  • The essence and significance of the military flag of the military unit;
  • National Anthem of Georgia;
  • Military ranks;
  • Soldier duties;
  • Responsibilities of the company duty officer and assistance of the company duty officer;  
  • Disciplinary measures;
  • Duties of the guard personnel;
  • Structure and armament of infantry task force, squad and platoon;
  • Purpose of the organic weapon, technical specifications of the machine gun;
  • Ballistics, firing and firing periods, forces acting on a bullet in the air;
  • How to read a topographic map; cartographic map symbols, terrain features. How to assign the spot elevation;
  • How to administer first aid in case of respiratory depression and in accordance with the types of wounds; 
  • Origin of the nation of Georgia and the united Georgian state;
  • Kings of Georgia and the battles of historical importance.


After completing the program the Junker will explain:

  • Performance of drill commands on the spot and on the move;
  • Platoon inspection and platoon inspection rule in the barracks.
  • Subject and tasks of topography;
  • Orientation by local objects;
  • Engineering support tasks;
  • Casualty evaluation and first aid administration;
  • Identification of the signs of shock during various types of bleeding and exposure to high temperatures.


After completing the program the Junker will be able to:

  • Perform drill commands on the spot and on the move;
  • Use the casualty evacuation techniques.

Learning outcomes of the Junkers enrolled through mobility:


After completing the program the Junker will know:

  • Oath of service;
  • The essence and significance of the military flag of the military unit;
  • National Anthem of Georgia;
  • Military ranks;
  • Soldier duties;
  • Responsibilities of the company duty officer and assistance of the company duty officer;  
  • Casualty evaluation rule;
  • Types of bleeding;
  • Types of fractures;
  • Types of wounds;
  • Signs of shock.


After completing the program the Junker will explain:

  • Platoon inspection and platoon inspection rule in the barracks;
  • Casualty evaluation;
  • First aid administration rule in case of respiratory depression;
  • First aid administration rule in accordance with types of wounds;
  • First aid administration rule in case of different types of bleeding;
  • First aid administration rule during the exposure to high temperature.


Evaluation System

The Junker’s knowledge is evaluated by a 100-point score system based on the Instructions of Examinations and Assessment for Military Higher Education and Military Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Defence.

In order to identify the Junker’s physical fitness, a diagnostic physical fitness test is conducted twice during the course. Assessment of the diagnostic physical fitness test will be carried out in accordance with the physical training standard established in the defence system.

Assessment of the Basic Combat Training course includes intermediate evaluation and final examination that have their own percentage share in the final assessment. The share of minimum standard of competence (threshold) is 60% of the total assessment.

 Intermediate evaluation:

The intermediate evaluation is conducted after learning the material of certain volume. The intermediate evaluation is divided into the components (currents assessments, mid-term exam) that have their own percentage share within this element. Depending on the specifics of the program, the minimum standard of competence (threshold) set for the intermediate exam is 60% of the maximum grade of the midterm exam.   

If the Junker’s obtained result for the intermediate evaluation reveals that he / she is fails to accumulate the corresponding score of the minimum positive assessment for the next evaluations and even in case of earning the maximum grade for the final exam, then the question of expelling him / her from the academic program is considered by the Academic Council.

           The Final Exam:

The final exam is mandatory and its minimum standard of competence (threshold) is determined by 60% of the maximum grade of the final exam.  

The Junker is admissible on the final examination only if the sum of the maximum scores he/she earns through intermediate evaluations and the final examination will constitute the corresponding score of the minimum positive assessment.  

         The Remediation Exam:

In case of failing to pass the threshold set for the intermediate evaluation the Junker is allowed to take the remediation exam no earlier than 3 calendar days and no later than the next assessment.  

In case of failing to pass the threshold set for the final exam the Junker is allowed to take the remediation exam no earlier than 3 calendar days and no later than the first assessment of the next component.

To prepare for the remediation exam the Junker uses his / her personal time or the period of time defined for self-preparation.

The score obtained on the remediation exam is considered to be the final score of the evaluation and is therefore reflected in the final assessment of the program component but it is not taken into account when calculating the course rating grade. Instead, the passing grade is used to calculate the final rating. 

In case of failing to pass the threshold set for the remediation exam the question of expelling the Junker from the program is considered by the Academic Council. 

            Restorative Examination:

In case of a reasonable excuse for missing the exam provided by the syllabus of the program, the Junker must take a restorative examination no later than 3 calendar days after reporting to the institution and units. The restorative examination should be conducted before the first evaluation of the next component.

In case of missing an additional exam for a reasonable excuse, the Junker has the right to take it only once.          

Evaluation system consists of:

  1. a) Five types of positive evaluation:
  2. b) Two types of negative evaluation:
  1. A - Excellent - 92-100 points;
  2. B – Very Good - 84-91 points;
  3. C - Good - 76-83 points;
  4. D - Satisfactory - 68-75 points;
  5. E - Acceptable - 60-67 points.
  1. FX – Did not Pass - 52-59 points that means that the Junker needs hard work to take the exam and he/she is allowed to take a remediation exam once again at the expense of independent work.
  2. F - Failed - 0-51 points that means that the Junker’s work is not enough and he/she will be expelled from the program.

Note: Rounding between the intervals / increments of the point is done on the principle of arithmetic rounding. For example, in case of the 60-point threshold, 59.5 = FX, and 59.6 = E; 75.5 = D, and 75.6 = C;


The rating is made according to the result of the final assessment.

Learning topics provided in the program:

Jus – Combined Arms Regulations/Military Laws;

Dril – Drills;

Tac – Tactical Training;

Com – Government Training;

Fire – Fire Training;

Eng – Engineer Training;

Nav – Military Topography;

Med – Medical Training;

Sig – Signal;

Lid – Leadership.

 Evaluation system for the Junkers enrolled through mobility

The Graduation Exit Exam is held at the end of the course. It is a mixed-type examination including tests and written tasks. The graduation exit exam is mandatory and the minimum standard of competence (threshold) is determined by 60% of the maximum grade of the final exam.    

In case of failing to pass the threshold of the graduation exit exam the Junker is allowed to take a remediation examination no earlier than 2 calendar days. For taking the remediation exam the Junker uses his / her personal time or the period of time defined for self-preparation. In case of failure in the threshold set for the remediation exam the question of expelling him / her from the academic program is considered by the Academic Council.  

 Opportunity to continue education:

After completing the program the Junkers will be able to continue their education on the Bachelor’s degree programs (Management, Informatics, Defence and Security).