

The Commandant of the Norwegian Defence University College at the National Defence Academy

5 April 2016

The Commandant of the Norwegian Defence University College at the National Defence Academy

Today, the Acting Rector of NDA, Lieutenant-Colonel Vasil Kopeikin met with the Commandant of the Norwegian Defence University College visited the National Defence Academy, Rear Admiral Louise Dedichen.
Khashuri Public Schools Students at the National Defence Academy

5 April 2016

Khashuri Public Schools Students at the National Defence Academy

In the framework of the LEPL – Office of Resource Officers of Educational Institutions’ program “Professional Orientation and Career Planning” students from Khashuri Public Schools visited the National Defence Academy.
The Discharge of Lieutenant-Colonel Tamaz Saatashvili from the Georgian Armed Forces

4 April 2016

The Discharge of Lieutenant-Colonel Tamaz Saatashvili from the Georgian Armed Forces

By the orders of the Minister of Defence the Head of the Simulation Training Section of Junior Officer School, LTC Tamaz Saatashvili was discharged from the Georgian Armed Forces. 
The Director of the Allied Force Foundation at the National Defence Academy

31 March 2016

The Director of the Allied Force Foundation at the National Defence Academy

In the framework of the official visit in Georgia, today, the Director of the “Allied Force Foundation”, Mr. Stuart Taylor visited the National Defence Academy.
Master’s Programme at the National Defence Academy

31 March 2016

Master’s Programme at the National Defence Academy

Today, the NDA Master’s Programme details were discussed at the Ministry of Defence of Georgia. NDA representatives delivered the presentation regarding the Maser’s programme to the Minister of Defence. After the presentation the priorities and directions of the programme were discussed.