

Turkish Officers at the Georgian Language Training Course

25 March 2016

Turkish Officers at the Georgian Language Training Course

The four Officers from the Gendarmerie General Command of Republic of Turkey underwent 6 months Georgian Language Training Course at the National Defence Academy.
Trainings for the National Defence Academy Personnel

24 March 2016

Trainings for the National Defence Academy Personnel

In the framework of the Action Plan collaborated between the National Defence Academy and NATO Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP) two day training was held for the NDA personnel in Human Resource Management, Informational Technology, Leadership and Resource Management and Finance.  
ლიდერის ჩამოყალიბების პროგრამა – ახალი შესაძლებლობა ეროვნული თავდაცვის აკადემიის იუნკერებისთვის  (EN)

24 March 2016

ლიდერის ჩამოყალიბების პროგრამა – ახალი შესაძლებლობა ეროვნული თავდაცვის აკადემიის იუნკერებისთვის (EN)

International Week at the National Defence Academy

23 March 2016

International Week at the National Defence Academy

David Aghmashenebeli National Defence Academy of Georgia is hosting the 2nd International Week. Cadets from different foreign military higher institutions are participating in the Week. Today, the Cadets and Junkers delivered the presentation on Team Exercises and shared their feelings regarding the Tbilisi Tour.
International Week at the National Defence Academy

21 March 2016

International Week at the National Defence Academy

From March 21st to March 25th the National Defence Academy will be hosting the 2nd International Week. Along with the Junkers, the Cadets from USA, France, Germany, Czech, Lithuania, Latvia, Azerbaijan and Turkey are attending the event.