

Sergeants military scientific-practical conference was held at the Academy

25 November 2021

Sergeants military scientific-practical conference was held at the Academy

Military Scientific-Practical Conference of the Sergeants "The Role of the Sergeant Corps in the Military Conflicts of Georgia: Lessons from the Past and Current Challenges" was held at the National Defence Academy.
Opening a corner of honor for academy officers graduated since 1993

5 November 2021

Opening a corner of honor for academy officers graduated since 1993

On the initiative of the Rector of the National Defence Academy, Brigadier General Mamia Balakhadze and with the involvement of the heads of the structural units of the Academy, a corner of honor for "Academy Officers graduated since 1993" was opened in the Academy conference hall. It was for the officers who sustained various injuries in the fight for territorial integrity and in the performance of peacekeeping missions and still continue to serve in the Defence Forces of Georgia.
The Junkers and recruits of the National Defence Academy have taken an oath of enlistment

4 November 2021

The Junkers and recruits of the National Defence Academy have taken an oath of enlistment

The first-year Junkers of the Junker Training Battalion of the National Defence Academy and the graduates of the Basic Combat Training Course of the Junior Officers Training School have taken the oath of enlistment. 
Student Conference at the National Defence Academy

29 October 2021

Student Conference at the National Defence Academy

On October 22 of the current year, a student conference was organized by the Master's program of the National Defence Academy on the topic: "NATO - Georgia relationship in the context of national security - current challenges and development prospects," which was conducted online through the Zoom electronic platform.
 The International Scientific Conference

27 October 2021

The International Scientific Conference

On November 24, 2021, the National Defense Academy will host the international scientific-practical conference on a sectional basis. The first section - "Conflict Analysis: Political - Psychological and Socio-Economic Aspects", the second section - "The Role and Importance of the New Technologies in Armed Conflicts".