

Junkers’ Military Oath Receiving Ceremony

18 October 2013

Junkers’ Military Oath Receiving Ceremony

At National Defence Academy 258 Junkers of I and II courses received the Military Oath. Before receiving the military oath Academy Junkers and guests observed minute of silence in tribute to the memory of fallen Georgian Military Servicemen.
Alexander Rondeli at NDA

17 October 2013

Alexander Rondeli at NDA

President of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies Alexander Rondeli visited NDA, where he delivered the lecture to the Captain Career School listeners about Georgia and the regional security. During the lecture Dr. Alexander Rondeli talked about the power of Democracy and European Union and the importance of Georgian Officers in terms of regional security. 
Avtandil Arabuli at Command and General Staff School

15 October 2013

Avtandil Arabuli at Command and General Staff School

Doctor of Philological Science Avtandil Arabuli delivered a lecture at CGS School. The subject of the lecture was the history of Georgian language. During the lecture he discussed the development of Georgian language and its opportunities. Dr. Arabuli also talked about the role of Georgian language in terms of communications and the means of saving the information.
NDA Representatives in Borjomi

12 October 2013

NDA Representatives in Borjomi

In Borjomi for the second time Paralympic Federation organized the rafting trip for the military servicemen, who were badly wounded during the Afghanistan Mission. The Academy Sergeant Rajden Basishvili also participated in the rafting trip.
Irakli Menagharishvili at NDA

11 October 2013

Irakli Menagharishvili at NDA

Foreign Policy Expert Irakli Menagharishvili visited National Defence Academy, where he delivered a lecture about the geopolitics of Georgia in the 21 century to the Captain Career School listeners. During the lecture Irakli Menagharishvili talked about the modern geopolitical challenges facing Georgia.