

Defending Bachelor’s Theses at the Academy

17 June 2021

Defending Bachelor’s Theses at the Academy

Today, the defense of bachelor’s theses was completed at the National Defense Academy. Over the past two weeks, the Junkers of the Bachelor’s programs of Management, Defense and Security and Informatics have submitted theses to the commission members.
Military Scientific-Practical Conference was Held at the National Defense Academy

11 June 2021

Military Scientific-Practical Conference was Held at the National Defense Academy

Military-practical conference "Transformation of post-Cold War wars, conflicts and challenges facing the Defense Forces of Georgia" was held at the National Defense Academy.
Visit of United States Naval Academy Delegation to the NDA

28 May 2021

Visit of United States Naval Academy Delegation to the NDA

During May 17-27, 2021, the delegation of United States Naval Academy, consisting of four midshipmen and a professor Dr. Alan Friedman, was visiting the NDA of Georgia in frames of the bilateral cooperation. The working-educational visit included meetings with NDA leadership, professors and Junkers of Training Battalion, as well visits at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and J-5 Strategic Planning Department of General Staff, were the guests listened to lectures regarding “NATO-Georgia Relations” and “Georgian Defense Forces Participation in International Missions”. 
Scientific-practical conferences were held at the Academy

20 May 2021

Scientific-practical conferences were held at the Academy

On May 19, the National Defense Academy hosted online scientific-practical conferences: "The Role of Information Technology during the Global Pandemic” - in the field of Informatics, "Modern Management Challenges" - in the field of Management, and "National Security in the Local and Global Context"- in the field of Defense and Security.
The Conference

18 May 2021

The Conference

Scientific-practical conference "Psychology and Modern Challenges" was held at the National Defense Academy.