Organisational Structure

Training Battalion

LEPL - David Aghmashenebeli National Defence Academy

Provision of the Training Battalion


Article 1. General Provisions

  1. This provision defines legal status, structure, authority, accountability of the training battalion (hereafter Training Battalion) of LEPL David Aghmashenebeli National Defence Academy of Georgia (hereinafter - Academy) and regulates other issues related to the Training Battalion activities.
  2. The Training Battalion is a subsidiary structural unit of the Academy.
  3. The Training Battalion conducts its activities in accordance with the Constitution of Georgia, international treaties and agreements of Georgia, legislative acts, subordinate normative acts, regulations of the Academy, the Rector (hereinafter - the Rector) individual administrative-legal acts and this provision.


  1. The Training Battalion is accountable to the Rector and the military deputy rector.


Article 2. Mission of the Training Battalion

The mission of the Training Battalion is to carry out relevant measures for the high academic performance and discipline control of Junkers /students.


Article 3. Main Functions of the Training Battalion

  1. The main functions of the training battalion are:
  2. a) Intensive growth of teaching and learning quality and bringing in line with the requirements of the Defence Forces;
  3. b) Organize and control according to existing specialties;
  4. c) Promotion of the academic educational and scientific process development;
  5. d) Raising professional level of the personnel and support staff;
  6. e) Increasing the personal, moral, intellectual and professional level of the Junkers / students;
  7. f) Promoting the development of military professional education process;
  8. g) Planning and organizing the training-material base by coordination with the relevant structural units of the Academy;
  9. h) In case of necessity implementing combat tasks in accordance with the operational plan / order.
  10. In order to perform its functions the Training Battalion:
  11. a) Within the scope of competence participates in the development, updating and refinement of curriculum and syllabus;
  12. b) Provides appropriate measures for improving the higher academic performance and discipline of the Junkers / students;
  13. c) Within the scope of competence elaborates curriculum and submits it to the Academic Council for approval;
  14. d) Organizes and controls the combat training of the Training Battalion personnel;
  15. e) Within the scope of competence, accounts the Training Battalion armament, combat equipment and other property;
  16. f) Within the scope of competence, provides organization of physical training of the Junkers /students;
  17. g) Within the scope of the competence performs other functions defined by the legislation, this provision and the Rector's individual administrative-legal acts.


Article 4. Leadership of the Training Battalion

  1. The training battalion is headed by the commander of the Training Battalion, who is assigned by the Minister of Defence of Georgia on the suggestion of the Rector of the Academy.
  2. The commander of the Training Battalion:
  3. a) Supervises and leads the activities of the Training Battalion;
  4. b) Controls organization of the educational process in the Training Battalion;
  5. c) Controls the trainings conducted by the instructors and quality of them;
  6. d) Within the scope of the competence, provides the development of the calendar plan/schedule of the basic academic year of the Academy;
  7. e) For the optimization of the Training Battalion submits suggestions on changes in the staff list;
  8. f) On the basis of the study / observation of personal and professional qualities of the Junkers / students, provides preparation / submission of the relevant recommendations / letter certificatory and evaluation forms for their positioning, promotion, qualification enhancement and implementation of appropriate military education process;
  9. g) Within the scope of the competence participates in the elaboration of the budget of the Training Battalion of the Academic;
  10. h) Defines and distributes functions between the subordinate personnel and gives them instructions;
  11. i) Controls the functioning of the structural units of the Training Battalion, fulfilling the duties, functions and discipline by the personnel;
  12. j) Submits proposals to the Rector of the Academy and the military deputy rector for discussion on the organization of the Training Battalion, appointment and dismiss, disposition, maintain, encouragement and / or disciplinary liability of the subordinate personnel;
  13. k) Carries out appropriate measures to raise and maintain the level of combat training of the personnel of the Training Battalion;
  14. l) Submits an annual report of the Training Battalion to the Rector and the military deputy rector;
  15. m) Controls the implementation of the planned training process, organizes its progress;
  16. n) Ensures security measures during training;
  17. o) Reviews the results of examinations and assessments and takes the necessary measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings;
  18. p) Takes appropriate measures to raise the level of academic performance and discipline of the Junkers / students;
  19. q) Within the competence, provides organization of physical training of the Junkers / students;
  20. r) Carries out other duties defined by the Statute of the Academy, this provision and the individual administrative-legal acts of the Rector.
  21. s) Commands and controls the battalion while conducting combat missions;
  22. t) Establishes agenda for the Training Battalion in coordination with the military deputy rector and controls its implementation; Participates in selection and examination of candidates for different military schools and courses;
  23. u) Participates in selection and examination of candidates for different military schools and courses;
  24. v) Within the scope of the competence carries out other duties and responsibilities assigned by the Rector and military deputy rector.


Article 5. Structural units of the Training Battalion and their functions:

  1. Structural units of the Training Battalion:


  1. a) Headquarter of the Training Battalion;
  2. b) I Course
  3. c) II Course
  4. d) III Course
  5. e) IV Course
  6. f) Officers’ Training Candidate Course
  7. g) Reserve Officers Training Course.


  1. The functions of subordinate structural units of the training battalion are:
  2. Headquarters of the Training Battalion:

a.a) The main supportive structure/unit of the training battalion commander;

a.b) Within the scope of competence plans and controls the issues related to the management of personnel;

a.c) Within the scope of competence, plans and controls the training process;

a.d) Within the scope of competence, plans and controls logistical issues;

a.e) Within the scope of the competence, plans and controls command, control and communication assets of the Training Battalion;

a.f) Develops and submits plans and suggestions to the Training Battalion commander on development of the Training Battalion.

a.g) Analyzes, processes and supervises the tasks set for the Training Battalion;

a.h) Ensures and controls implementation of the requirements established by the regulations of the Training Battalion and the other regulations of higher authorities.

a.i) Within the scope of the competence participates in the combat missions in accordance with the operational plans and orders;

a.j) Within the scope of the competence performs other duties defined by the legislation;

  1. b. I, II,III and IV Courses

b.a) Within the scope of the competence ensure the quality of teaching and learning;

b.b) Control quality of the training process according to the approved training program;

b.c) Within the scope of the competence control the implementation of the planned training process and organize it;

b.d) Within the scope of the competence participate in the planning and organizing of the training infrastructure;

b.e) Within the scope of the competence, ensure security measures during training process;

b.f) Within the scope of the competence, ensure organization of physical training of the Junkers / students;

b.g) Within the scope of the competence, control discipline;

b.h) Within the scope of the competence perform other duties defined by the legislation;


  1. Officers’ Training Candidate Course and Reserve Officers Training Course:


c.a) Within the scope of the competence, ensures planning, organizing and conducting the training;

c.b) Provides professional training of the course staff and maintains military discipline;

c.c) Ensures organizational management of training methodological work;

c.d) Participates in the creation and improvement of the training infrastructure, ensures proper exploitation of it.

c.e) Participates in the activities planned throughout the Academy and the Training Battalion.

c.f) Provides security measures during the training process;

c.g) Within the scope of the competence, organizes physical training for the students;

c.h) Within the scope of the competence performs other duties defined by the legislation;

  1. Head of the structural unit of the Training Battalion leads and directs the activities of the structural unit and is responsible for fulfilling the tasks and functions imposed on the structural unit;
  2. Functions and responsibilities of the Training Battalion personnel are determined by the job descriptions approved by the Rector of the Academy.


Article6. The Rule for Making Changes and Amendments to the Provision
Changes and amendments to this provision shall be implemented in accordance with the rule established for the adoption of the document.