

Command and General Staff School Graduation

23 June 2014

Command and General Staff School Graduation

Today the graduation of Command and General Staff School was held at the Cognitive-Educational Centre of the Ministry of Defence. 31 listeners graduated the above mentioned School. Before the ceremony the graduates and guests observed the moment of silence in memory of the fallen military personnel.
Captain Career School Course Graduation

19 June 2014

Captain Career School Course Graduation

Today the graduation of Captain Career School Maneuver, Intelligence, Logistics, Personnel, Military Engineering, Signal and Artillery Courses was held at the NDA. Before the ceremony the graduates and guests observed the moment of silence in memory of the fallen military personnel.
Jill Chambers at the National Defence Academy

19 June 2014

Jill Chambers at the National Defence Academy

Today the founder of This Able Vet LLC, Mrs. Jill Chambers and the Head of Rehabilitation Control and Monitoring Division of Medical Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Georgia, Lieutenant-Colonel Mamuka Mikabadze visited NDA.
Training on Gender Equality Principles for the Captain Career School Listeners

16 June 2014

Training on Gender Equality Principles for the Captain Career School Listeners

Today the training on gender issues was held for the NDA Captain Career School Listeners. In the framework of the training, the Head of NDA Administration, Mrs. Maia Avaliani discussed the gender equality principles, the importance and raising awareness of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325: Women, Peace and Security. 
Training on the Gender Equality and UN Security Council Resolution № 1325

13 June 2014

Training on the Gender Equality and UN Security Council Resolution № 1325

The Head of NDA Administration, Mrs. Maia Avaliani and the Head of the International Law Division of the Ministry of Defence, Mr. Giorgi Amanatidze delivered the lecture for the NDA Training Battalion Officers and Sergeants regarding the Gender Equality and United Nations Security Council Resolution № 1325: Women, Peace and Security.