

International conference - Distance Learning: Challenges and the Future

16 October 2023

International conference - Distance Learning: Challenges and the Future

LEPL David Aghmashenebeli National Defence Academy of Georgia and the Norwegian Defense University College (NDUC), within the framework of mutual cooperation, on October 10-11, 2023. The Biltmore Hotel in Tbilisi hosted the second annual international conference on "Distance Learning: Challenges and the Future." Representatives from various countries, including employees of the Georgian Ministry of Defence, took part in the event.
Major General Todor Dochev, visited the LEPL David Aghmashenebeli National Defence Academy of Georgia.

12 October 2023

Major General Todor Dochev, visited the LEPL David Aghmashenebeli National Defence Academy of Georgia.

The delegation of the Rakovski National Defense College of Bulgaria, headed by Major General Todor Dochev, visited the LEPL David Aghmashenebeli National Defence Academy of Georgia.
the public holiday of Gori.

11 October 2023

the public holiday of Gori.

The Junkers of the Training Battalion of LEPL David Aghmashenebeli National Defence Academy of Georgia took part in the public holiday of Gori. Participation in the mentioned event serves to raise awareness about the Academy in society. For the event, the Junkers of the Training Battalion set up a corner of the Academy, where the advertising and information brochures of the Academy, and various branded souvenirs were exhibited.   
 Royal Danish Defence College Visit to the Academy

4 October 2023

 Royal Danish Defence College Visit to the Academy

From September 26 to 29, staff members of the Stabilization Centre of the Strategy and War Research Institute of the Royal Danish Defence College visited the David Aghmashenebeli National Defence Academy of Georgia for a working visit.
Award Ceremony

3 October 2023

Award Ceremony

The award ceremony was held in the recreational space of the LEPL David Aghmashenebeli National Defence Academy of Georgia. The Rector, Brigadier General Mamia Balakhadze, presented departmental medals, certificates of honor, and personal gifts to the deserving personnel.